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The Pink Moon is the full moon of the month of April. It is also the first supermoon of the year, meaning the moon will be at the closest point in its orbit around earth. This can lead to  heightening of emotions, feelings, and dreams. The amplification of vision and possibility may cause some uncomfortable friction, but without this friction there cannot be any growth.


The Pink Moon represents growth, like the wildflowers of the springtime bloom. There’s magic all around us as the world reawakes, clouds and fog lift exposing vibrant colors in the sky during sunset and sunrise, and a new season begins. The cycle of the seasons always brings the beautiful colors of life as spring returns.


Let this print be a reminder of appreciation for the ups and downs our Mother Earth gives to us each year, always embracing and acknowledging the vibrant, colorful beauty as it returns from a gray winter. Let the positivity this full moon brings embody you, filling you with self-love, care, and appreciation.


Description written by Taylor Berresford (@tayberresford)

Pink Moon Print

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